Egitto e Vicino Oriente 46 (2023)
Direttore responsabile: Marilina Betrò
- Paul Whelan, An Epithet-Laden Pectoral
- Mathilde Prévost, L’âne harpiste en Égypte ancienne et ailleurs : réflexions sur un motif iconographique et sur la méthode comparative
- Giulia Tonon, B1200 A residential palace in Gebel Barkal
- Nenad Markovic, The House of It(A): Reconstructing a Notable Priestly Family from Memphis under the Early Twenty-Sixth (Saite) Dynasty
- Abdelghaffar Wagdy, Heliopolis. Die Rettungsgrabung in der Al Mashrooa Straße von Terat El-Jabel, 1998
- Gabriele Mario Conte, Three amulets in papyrus and linen from the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden
- Romolo Loreto, In search for a Bronze Age in Central Arabia. A view from Landsat imagery
- Emanuel Pfoh, Oaths to the pharaoh and indigenous socio-politics in the Late Bronze Age Levant
- Jeanette C. Fincke, Jesper Eidem, A Middle Babylonian Tablet with alamdimmû aḫû-Omens from the Rania Plain Dating to Kurigalzu (I/II) and Its Implications for the Tradition of alamdimmû and Other Omen Series
- Davide D’Amico, La genealogia di Ismaele e la Via dell’Incenso