1-3/12/2021 – International Conference: “TEXTS WITHIN THE MATERIAL WORLD. Assemblages, Contexts, Networks in Ancient Societies from Africa to Asia”
Internazional Conference
Assemblages, Contexts, Networks in Ancient Societies from Africa to Asia
Pisa, 1-3 December 2021 (Centro Congressi Le Benedettine: Piazza S. Paolo a Ripa D’Arno, 16)

Organised by:
Marilina Betrò, Jesper Eidem, Michael Friedrich, Cécile Michel, Gianluca Miniaci
(Università di Pisa, Universität Hamburg, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures)
Organisation assistants:
Cristina Alù, Martina Betti, Mattia De Cao, Erik Iemane, Mattia Mancini, Michele Maurici, Francesco Missiroli, Camilla Saler, Erika Sbarra
Social media managers:
Martina Brentan, Veronica Zampedri
Recent decades have seen growing interest in the materiality of ancient texts beyond their basic message (see the study day held in Pisa on 11th December 2017). The aim of the Conference is to reconsider ancient texts in their archaeological context or in the landscape to which they once belonged, in order to understand the intimate relationships between written and unwritten artefacts of a single assemblage/context, and how these may have influenced each other.
In this scenario, the conference will gather experts on ancient Egypt, Near East, Eastern Mediterranean, India, and China to present and share the complex nature and interactions of written artefacts, with the aim of making possible a very strong comparative perspective.
The Conference will be held in presence, with a limited number of seats, but it will be made freely available online on the Microsoft Teams platform (interactive discussion between speakers and online attendees is made possible and welcome). Any participants must register by the 20 November 2021 at the following site: https://bit.ly/3lJexRY
The participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory. The virtual classroom link will be sent by mail to the registered attendees after the 20 November.