Kawai, “New Excavation at North Saqqara: Revealing the development of funerary landscape through millennia” (20/12/23)
We are pleased to announce a new appointment of the cycle “Egyptological Seminars under the Tower“.
A conference by Prof. Nozomu Kawai (Kanazawa University) will be held at the Aula Magna of Palazzo Boileau (Via Santa Maria 85, Pisa) on 20 December:
New Excavation at North Saqqara: Revealing the development of funerary landscape through millennia

“EST“, acronym of “Egyptological Seminars under the Tower“, is a cycle of international conferences/seminars held at the University of Pisa (Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere). The main aim of EST is to bring international emerging and established scholars in Pisa in order to present their recent or ongoing research (including archaeological results) or to discuss particular targeted topics. The event aims to have a simple and regular format: a) a single lecture; or b) a round-table with two or more speakers discussing a common topic.
The conference is funded by the student association VOLO – Viaggiando Oltre L’Orizzonte with contributions from the University of Pisa.