Supervisor: Prof. Marilina Betrò
Marilina Betrò has been Full Professor in Egyptology at the University of Pisa since 2005, where she started to work as a researcher in 1983. She has been teaching in Pisa since 1992/93.
She was President of the Athenaeum Museum System (2012-14); President of the Master in Languages and Cultures of the Near and Middle East and President of the Interdepartmental Center of Computer Services for the Humanistic Area (CISIAU) of the University of Pisa (2006-2010). Since 2003 she has been directing the Italian Archaeological Excavation in Dra Abu el-Naga (M.I.D.A.N.) on the west bank of the Nile, facing Luxor.
She has coordinated numerous national and international research projects, including the most recent “East” and “West”: from one world to another? Contacts, exchanges, identities (PRA 2016); the Italian-Egypt international cooperation project “Innovative Technologies applied to information, analysis and dissemination of the archaeological data on Egyptian antiquities” (2009-2012); the Rosellini Project (2008-2012), with the digitalization and online publication of the published and unpublished material of the Tuscan expedition in Egypt, conserved in Pisa. She is the author of about 200 publications.

Research fellow: Mattia Mancini
Mattia Mancinis a researcher fellow within “TEMA – la Toscana Egittologica tra Musei e Archivi” project directed by Marilina Betrò. After graduating in 2013 in Archaeology from the University of Pisa (thesis title: “Tefnut l’eliopolitana: studio filologico della dea dall’Antico al Medio Regno con un’appendice amarniana”), he obtained a PhD in History with a research project in Egyptology with title “The Egyptian collection at Palazzo Schifanoia in Ferrara”.
He worked in the field of preventive and emercency archaeology in several sites in Central Italy. He also participated in various excavation campaigns in Egypt: 2010/2011, the MAIL mission in the funerary complex of Harwa and Akhimenru (Luxor, Egypt); 2011 and 2018, the Italian Archaeological Mission in Dra Abu el-Naga (Luxor, Egypt; University of Pisa); 2017, the Italian-German mission in Zawyet Sultan (UniPI-Universität zu Köln); 2019, the Egyptian-German mission in Heliopolis (Universität Leipzig-MoA, 2019).
Moreover, he deals with web cultural divulgation, especially via his Egyptology blog “Djed Medu”(https://djedmedu.wordpress.com), and collaborating with National Geographic Italia. Thanks to the experience gained in the field, he manages the website and the socialnetworks of Egyptology in Pisa.