Francesco Missiroli
PhD Student
Francesco Missiroli graduated in Oriental Studies from the University of Pisa in 2022 with a thesis in Egyptology entitled “«Opening the road to all the foreign lands», trade routes between Egypt and its neighbouring countries from the Predynastic to the Old Kingdom”. In the same year, he was granted a doctoral scholarship at the same university with a research project that builds upon his master’s thesis and expands it, dealing mainly with trade routes during the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom.
His interests focus mainly on the relationships and network of connections, both maritime and terrestrial, between Egypt and the regions beyond its borders, as well as ancient geography and toponymy.
As a member of the “Heliopolis Project”, the joint mission of the Universität Leipzig and the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, since 2021 he has taken part in several excavation campaigns in Egypt at the ancient site of Heliopolis (Cairo).