Master’s degree Programme “Ancient Egypt and Western Asia: archaeology, history and languages” (AEWA) – Call for enrolment for the academic year 2023-2024
We are pleased to announce for the Academic Year 2023/24 a public competition, open to non-EU citizens not resident in Italy, for admission to the Master’s Degree in “Ancient Egypt and Western Asia: archaeology, history and languages (AEWA)” (https://ancientegyptandwesternasia.it).
‘Ancient Egypt and Western Asia: archaeology, history and languages (AEWA)’ is a two-year graduate degree consisting of 23 courses completely taught in English at the University of Pisa. The study programme focuses on history, archaeology, culture, and languages of ancient and late Egypt and Western Asia (ranging from philology to museology, history of religions to material culture). The historical and archaeological areas of interest include Egypt, Anatolia, the Levant, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Arabia, India, Uzbekistan and Xinjiang. The languages range from ancient Egyptian to Akkadian, Hittite, Ugaritic, Syriac, Middle Iranian languages and Sanskrit.
The master programme offers also internships in agreement with museums, archives and libraries in Italy and abroad, possibility of training through excavations, immersive off-site classes in museums, study trips in some of the countries covered by the study programme.
The first deadline for non-EU students grants is February 19.
All requirements for applicants can be found at the link: https://applymscenglish.unipi.it/downloadpdf/bandicdl/2023/bando_121_wlc-lm_en.pdf
For more information on the study programme and teachers, check out the website: