Training on pXRF analysis for archaeology
Dr. Hannah Page, post-doc for the project PIPE (https://prinproject.wixsite.com/pipe-project), will be holding some theoretical and practical training sessions in pXRF analysis for archaeology (https://www.cfs.unipi.it/ricerca/laboratori/laboratorio-di-archeometria-e-diagnostica/) in November for interested students in the MA degree of Orientalistica and Archaeologia, within the framework of the project PIPE.
The training will be arranged in four days. Participation to the training is worth 3 CFU. The dates in which the training will take place are Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd, Thursday 28th and Friday 29th November, proposed in a preliminary way. However, they might be subject to change, given the number of participants and availability of the rooms.
All the interested students can write to gianluca.miniaci@unipi.it and claudia.sciuto@unipi.it and cc in also Hannah.page@cfs.unipi.it. The number of places is limited to 24 students, serving the first arrived and sliding with any cancellation. Knowledge of English is mandatory because the classes will be in English. In person
Deadline for application: 25th October