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G. Miniaci, C. Greco, P. Del Vesco, M. Mancini, C. Alù (eds)
Ancient Egypt and the Surrounding World: Contact, Trade, and Influence
Studies presented to Marilina Betrò
(Egittologia 6)
The stark contrast of the desert, mountains, seas, and cataracts surrounding the fertile river valley creates a dramatic separation between Egypt and the rest of the world. Despite this physical – often pretended – barrier, Egypt has historically been deeply connected to the cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean, Western Asia, and Northeast Africa. These interactions have led to a complex intermingling of culture, materials, religions, ideas, and iconography, resulting in the emergence of new forms of cultural identity. The papers of this volume, presented to prof. Marilina Betrò, aim to explore various aspects of these interactions, spanning from the 3rd millennium BC to Roman and Medieval times, encompassing regions from Mesopotamia to the Levant, from Anatolia to the Aegean, and from the Roman Empire to Syria.
– Introduction
Gianluca Miniaci, Christian Greco, Paolo Del Vesco, Mattia Mancini, Cristina Alù
– Contact, mobility, migration: social and economic interaction across Egyptian borders (Early and Middle Bronze Age)
Juan Carlos Moreno García
– Between exchanges, interactions, and entanglements. The Egyptians and the others at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis
Andrea Manzo
– Jericho and Egypt during the Early Bronze Age: some evidence of trade and cultural interaction
Lorenzo Nigro
– Patterns of religiosity in the Levant and Egypt during the second millennium BCE: the case of the anthropoid clay coffins
Nicola Laneri, Chiara Pappalardo
– Secondary Urbanisation in Northern Lebanon and the Role of Byblos
Frances Pinnock
– Dalla corona osiriaca alla kidaris. Iconografie egiziane in un laboratorio di coroplasti nella Fenicia di età persiana
Ida Oggiano
– Anat und die Zerkauer des Fleisches
Joachim Friedrich Quack
– Notes on Mesopotamian metrology II. The representation of weighing balances in the 3rd millennium BC
Luca Peyronel
– The Lady of the Mirror. On some artifacts from the Middle Assyrian tomb 1424 at Tell Barri (NE Syria)
Anacleto D’Agostino
– Reconsidering a Southern Route. Relations between Southern Mesopotamia, Susiana and Egypt at the End of the Fourth Millennium BC
Sara Pizzimenti
– The Hittite-Egyptian Relations Before the Amarna Age: Notes on KBo 31.40 and Related Texts
Matteo Vigo
– Teli-Teššob, a Hittite Messenger at the Court of Ramesses II
Stefano de Martino
– Trade, piracy and the protection of sea-lanes in the Mycenaean world and Egypt
Jorrit M. Kelder
– Five Egyptian Scarabs from the Mycenaean Cemetery of Langada on Kos: Context, Function, and Cultural Significance
Salvatore Vitale, Katarzyna Dudlik, Louis Dautais
– The sense of Egypt: The materials and landscapes of otherness in the houses of Pompeii
Anna Anguissola
– Un nome d’Horo di Caracalla
Nicola Barbagli
– Libri dall’Egitto: la biblioteca privata del patriarca siro-ortodosso Ignazio bar Shayallah (1483-1493)
Pier Giorgio Borbone

G. Miniaci, C. Greco, P. Del Vesco, M. Mancini, C. Alù (eds)
Egypt in Ancient and Modern Tales, Travels and Explorations
Studies presented to Marilina Betrò
(Egittologia 5)
Egypt has long captivated the imagination through its literature, tales, and accounts from ancient and modern explorers. In antiquity, it served as the realm of pharaohs, steeped in myths that intertwined gods and humanity. Herodotus marveled at its wonders, while Napoleon’s expedition unearthed its mysteries. The stories passed down to us also offer insights into various facets of everyday life in ancient Egypt–human emotions, connection with nature, and the desire to discover unknown lands. This volume, presented to prof. Marilina Betrò, delves into Egypt’s history, weaving ancient and modern narratives. It explores Egypt not only as a land of wonders but also as a place that resonates with its ancient societies and their perspectives.
– Introduction
Gianluca Miniaci, Christian Greco, Paolo Del Vesco, Mattia Mancini, Cristina Alù
– Shaping life as a journey and displaying it in biographies and tales
John Baines
– A new reading of an Old Kingdom administrative title (Hry-Szp) related to quarry expeditions
Andrés Diego Espinel
– Specialisti di viaggi nel deserto: gli jʿȝ.ww e i nw.w, intermediari e guide per le spedizioni minerarie faraoniche
Cristina Alù
– ‘The mouth of the two ways’: Ezbet Rushdi, a crossroads between Sinai and the Levant in the Middle Kingdom
Francesco Missiroli
– In the Heart of the Sea: The Island As Chronotope in the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor
Angelo Colonna
– ‘Fiori lapislazzuli’: una nota filologica e archeobotanica ad una lirica amorosa del vaso di Deir el-Medina
Flora Andreozzi
– Representations on animals in Ancient Egypt: parallel traditions through the millennia. The example of the donkey in the Teaching of ‘Onchsheshonqy
Mathilde Prévost
– Priests Carrying ‘Osiris-Canopus/Hydreios’: from Alexandria to the Imperial Isea outside Egypt. Preliminary considerations
Rosanna Pirelli
– Il Romanzo di Cambise: alcune osservazioni sulla fortuna di un genere e una nuova proposta di datazione
Paola Buzi
– First Archaeological Hints: Early Birds in Iraqi Kurdistan
Dlshad Aziz Marf, Jesper Eidem
– “Lo so, ma preferisco non dirlo”. Silenzi e strategie etnografiche in Hdt. II
Andrea Taddei
– The Adventurous Life of Giuseppe Ferlini
Gianluca Miniaci
– Assassinio nel Museo egizio: The Scarab Murder Case (S.S. Van Dine, 1930)
Domitilla Campanile
– Le notizie di Simēon Lehac’i sugli Armeni, ottomani e no
Alessandro Orengo

G. Miniaci, C. Greco, P. Del Vesco, M. Mancini, C. Alù (eds)
The Materiality of Ancient Egypt: Objects and Museums
Studies presented to Marilina Betrò
(Egittologia 4)
The artifacts housed in museums wield undeniable power, embodying complex and multifaceted histories encompassing their creation, use, modification, reuse, abandonment, rediscovery, analysis, interpretation, display, and reception. The essays collected in this volume, presented to prof. Marilina Betrò, interweave the many stories concealed within museum objects and the archives of the collections that currently safeguard them. This fosters an ongoing conversation between ancient materials, texts, religious beliefs, and modern scholarship and interpretation.
– Introduction
Gianluca Miniaci, Christian Greco, Paolo Del Vesco, Mattia Mancini, Cristina Alù
– La collezione egizia del Marchese Malaspina a Pavia, la visita di J.-F. Champollion, lo ‘Stabilimento’ di Belle Arti
Clelia Mora
– The story of restoration of the Egyptian Department, and few surprise
Elisabeth Delange
– University Museum Systems. Exploring the Historical Evolution and Management Practices in Italy and Pisa
Chiara Tarantino
– Digital Egypt: Technological Advances in Musealization and the Frontier of Metaverses
Nevio Danelon
– Reconstructing the biography of the Predynastic fishtails
Mona Akmal M. Ahmed
– The Palermo Stone: history, digital epigraphy and museology
Massimiliano Nuzzolo
– The tomb of Ipiankhu and the recording of Middle Kingdom coffins in Egyptology
Wolfram Grajetzki
– The diagonal star table fragment P. 4084 at the Museo Egizio
Enrico Ferraris
– Loret, Lortet et les Onguents des Princesses de Dahchour
Laure Pantalacci
– As told by things. A story told by a cosmetic box
Stefania Pignattari
– Stele del sacerdote-wab Djehuti a Torino
Gloria Rosati
– A jar for a woman. A painted pottery vase from Gebelein
Federica Facchetti
– A Ramesside foundation deposit from the Valley of the Kings at the ‘Museo Egizio’ in Florence
Anna Consonni
– Ramesses VIII and X at Pi-Ramesse?
Henning Franzmeier
– L’Enveloppe de Momie en Cartonnage d’Hérib – Musée du Louvre E 13018 (AF 13029)
Patricia Rigault-Déon
– Shabtis of ỉm.y-ḫnt wp-nṯr.wy priests from the collection of Giuseppe Acerbi
Alessandro Galli
– Demotic Papyrus Archives in the Museo Egizio – Past, Present and Future Research(ers)
Susanne Töpfer
– Une stèle hiéroglyphico-démotique du Sérapéum de Memphis (Louvre IM 3345)
Didier Devauchelle
– Retour sur la « tombe de style gréco-égyptien » de Tôd
Christophe Thiers
– The ḳrsw coffin of Tapeny
Christian Greco

G. Miniaci, C. Greco, P. Del Vesco, M. Mancini, C. Alù (eds)
Digging for Ancient Egypt and Egyptology in the Archives
Studies presented to Marilina Betrò
(Egittologia 3)
Modern Egyptology encompasses more than just archaeological excavations, the study of antiquities, and bibliographic research. It also relies on the invaluable insights gleaned from manuscripts left by travelers, collectors, and scholars of the past. Archives, libraries, and museums preserve a boundless heritage of documents essential for reconstructing the history of ancient Egypt and the evolution of the discipline itself. This volume, presented to prof. Marilina Betrò, contains articles exploring previously unpublished letters, notes, diaries, and research materials from the 17th to the first decades of the 20th century, offering precious insights into historical evidence that might otherwise have been lost.
– Introduction
Gianluca Miniaci, Christian Greco, Paolo Del Vesco, Mattia Mancini, Cristina Alù
– Tra ideogrammi e geroglifici: la lingua primigenia nella China Illustrata di Athanasius Kircher e nel dibattito coevo
Chiara Ombretta Tommasi
– “Ne mancagli altro se non che un poco di Naso”: il danneggiamento del volto della
Sfinge di Giza in un manoscritto inedito da Modena (1743)
Mattia Mancini
– Vitaliano Donati e la Iside di Coptos
Beppe Moiso
– “The Discoveries I Had Been Fortunate Enough to Make in This Country”: Six Unpublished Letters from Giovanni B. Belzoni to William J. Bankes (1817-19)
Daniele Salvoldi
– I primi anni di vita del Museo Egizio di Torino: Giulio Cordero di San Quintino
Tommaso Montonati
– Giuseppe Acerbi, Jean François Champollion, and Ippolito Rosellini: A Relationship of Esteem in the Name of Hieroglyphics, Pharaohs, and Dynasties
Daniela Picchi
– A case of identity? Demetrios Papandriopulos and Giovanni d’Athanasi
John H. Taylor
– La figura del Padre barnabita Luigi Maria Ungarelli dallo studio del Fondo Ungarelli conservato a San Carlo ai Catinari
Mario Cappozzo
– La Spedizione Romana in Egitto (1840-1841) alla luce di nuovi documenti di archivio
Alessia Amenta
– The Torlonia Obelisks: Neo-hieroglyphic Rhetoric for Rome’s New Elites
Luigi Prada
– Ernesto Schiaparelli a Tebe. Documenti inediti sul primo viaggio in Egitto (1884-1885) dell’egittologo piemontese
Paolo Del Vesco
– Digging up the Origins: The Predynastic Collection of the Museo Egizio (Turin, Italy)
Federica Ugliano
– Rudolf Dvořák (1860-1920) and his Crucial Role in establishing Czech Egyptology
Ladislav Bareš
– I reperti da el-Hibeh nel Museo Egizio di Firenze: alcuni documenti inediti dagli archivi
Maria Cristina Guidotti

G. Miniaci, C. Greco, P. Del Vesco, M. Mancini, C. Alù (eds)
A Matter of Religions: Gods and People in Ancient Egypt
Studies presented to Marilina Betrò
(Egittologia 2)
Religious phenomena can be considered a historical product, mediated by indirect forms, texts, images, objects, and different actors, people, animals, things, and nature. Permeated by a countless panoply of gods, whose identity syncretically merged and divided into different and akin entities, the supernatural seamlessly fuses with daily life matters, and religions are not separable nor meant to be ontologically separated from political, economic, and social questions. The volume of 18 papers, presented to prof. Marilina Betrò, aims to explore the complex dimensions of Egyptian religions, fostering a dialogue between gods, landscapes, animals, and people.
– Introduction
Gianluca Miniaci, Christian Greco, Paolo Del Vesco, Mattia Mancini, Cristina Alù
– Un “Dieu cerné”? I limiti del potere del faraone
Federico Poole
– Animals, Ontology, and Agents of Seth
Willeke Wendrich
– Gender and Divine Identification in Ancient Egyptian Healing Spells
Gabriele Mario Conte
– Ba and emotions: some notes on the lexeme b3 beyond its religious meanings
Stefano Vittori
– Notwendige Bemerkungen zum Namen und Wesen der Göttin Muth
Alexandra von Lieven
– Gehen Götter gerne baden? Zu wAi r, xfty und anderen euphemistisch gebrauchten Ausdrücken
Friedhelm Hoffmann
– Generischer Eigenname versus Götterbegriff, oder: „el“ versus „El“. Vom Zusammenspiel einer älteren semitischen Tradition mit der kanaanäischen Adaption eines ägyptischen Vorbildes im Jh. v. Chr.
Ludwig D. Morenz
– The sed-festival reliefs at Soleb: rhetoric in image and space
Susanne Bickel
– Doorscapes of the Netherworld and their guardians: a humanist geographical and anthropological perspective
Rita Lucarelli
– Reflections on the Ibis Cult at Abydos
Paul Whelan
– Two Amduat Papyri in Liverpool
Silvia Zago
– Interactions between people and territory: the case study of the regionally-specific sacerdotal titles of the Western Harpoon province
Elena Tiribilli
– The holders of the title ‘servant of Neith’ in the Late Period
Marco Zecchi
– De nouvelles incarnations d’Isis aux Époques Tardives
Christiane Zivie-Coche
– Un monument inédit du prêtre Serdjéhouty
Olivier Perdu
– Religion and power at the end of the Ptolemaic Period: Reconstructing the cursus
honorum of the mr mSa HAwty Pachom
Giorgia Cafici
– The Legal Claim in The Contest for the Prebend of Amun: ‘It belongs to me, it belongs to my father’
Kim Ryholt
– Statuette in argilla e pratiche magiche nei deipneteria del tempio di Soknopaios:
riflessioni preliminari
Paola Davoli

G. Miniaci, C. Greco, P. Del Vesco, M. Mancini, C. Alù (eds)
The Sacred and the Secular in the Theban Necropolis
Studies presented to Marilina Betrò
(Egittologia 1)
The Theban Necropolis is one of Egypt’s most captivating archaeological sites. Stretching almost 7 kilometers from north to south on the west bank of the Nile at Luxor, it occupies a broad strip of land between the cultivated fields and the desert mountains and valleys. This extensive site encompasses hundreds of private and royal tombs, monumental temples, smaller chapels and shrines, as well as various settlements. The collected papers, presented to prof. Marilina Betrò, explore diverse aspects of life in the necropolis, including the religious beliefs and rituals of high-ranking officials and priests, the workshops producing funerary objects, and the plundering and reusing of earlier tombs. These studies seek to understand and recreate this intricate ancient landscape.
– Introduction
Gianluca Miniaci, Christian Greco, Paolo Del Vesco, Mattia Mancini, Cristina Alù
– Il paesaggio funerario e rituale della Valle delle Regine durante il Nuovo Regno
Emanuele Casini
– The Opening of the Mouth, Scene 71 in Context
Zoltán Imre Fábián
– ‘Prayers to Columns’: Six text fragments from Theban Tomb 65
Tamás A. Bács
– La liturgia del percorso solare nella tomba di Thutmosi III (KV34)
Emanuele M. Ciampini
– Malédiction sur Osiris. Un entrepôt dans la tombe de Merenptah (KV8) à l’époque byzantine ?
Christophe Barbotin
– A geometric study of the New Kingdom pyramidia
Corinna Rossi
– The Agency of Women in Abnormal Hieratic Legal Documents from the 25th Dynasty
Koenraad Donker van Heel
– Two contemporary queens named Ahhotep at the dawn of the Eighteenth Dynasty: Evidence from the sources and the bracelet Cairo JE 4685
Gianluca Miniaci, Camilla Saler
– Shabti Boxes in Theban Undisturbed Contexts
Paolo Marini
– The Black Coffins and the Earliest Yellow Coffins of the New Kingdom from Thebes. New Insights into this Style Transition During the 18th Dynasty
Lisa Sartini
– Ancient Robbery and Reuse in the Theban Necropolis: A View from Asasif
Julia Budka
– The Island of Amenopet
Nigel Strudwick
– Middle Kingdom tomb MMA 28 and its significance for the construction history of the Hatshepsut temple at Deir el-Bahari. Out of respect for the royal ancestors
Patryk Chudzik
– Funerary settlements of the Third Intermediate Period in the Ramesseum
Hélène Guichard
– Les bois utilisés à la Troisième Période Intermédiaire au Ramesseum
Maria Victoria Asensi Amorós
– Economic Activities in the Theban Necropolis During the New Kingdom. A Case Study of Woodworking at Deir el-Medina
Anna Giulia De Marco
– Il visir Khay e la comunità degli artigiani di Deir el-Medina
Christian Orsenigo
– Documenting Contexts and Contextualizing Objects: Report of the 3D Survey and Modeling Activity at M.I.D.A.N.05
Emanuele Taccola