Middle Kingdom Studies
Editor-in-chief: Gianluca Miniaci
Advisory Board:
Dorothea Arnold, Bettina Bader, Marilina Betrò, Marleen De Meyer, Juan Carlos Moreno García, Alexander Ilin-Tomich, Patricia Rigault, Stephen Quirke, Gloria Rosati, Andréas Stauder, Danijela Stefanović, Pascal Vernus, Cornelius von Pilgrim, Josef Wegner, Paul Whelan
Published by the Golden House Publications

ISSN 2515-0944
MKS is a peer-reviewed series with an advisory board of international renowned scholars, and from 2018 has been indexed by Scopus/Elsevier. MKS is published by Golden House Publications and distributed worldwide. The series encompasses all aspects of the Middle Bronze Age in Egypt, 2050-1550 BC.
MKS has two aims: to provide, within a focussed editorial structure, new directions and impetus for the Middle Kingdom research; and to create a discussion space for both established and emerging scholars, who wish to publish new ideas, research, and findings relating to this period. The series also aims to go beyond a geographical segmentation of ancient history of Egypt, opening the field beyond its geographical borders, encouraging the submission of studies on Nubian, Mediterranean, and Near Eastern topics relating to thae Middle Kingdom timeframe, and to Egypt.
MKS Ethics and malpractice statement

Gianluca Miniaci, Cristina Alù, Camilla Saler, Vanessa Forte (eds)
Clay Figurines in Context:
Crucibles of Egyptian, Nubian, and Levantine Societiesin the Middle Bronze Age (2100–1550 BC) and Beyond
(Middle Kingdom Studies 17)

Melanie Pitkin
Egypt in the First Intermediate Period:
The History and Chronology of its False Doors and Stelae
(Middle Kingdom Studies 13)

Gianluca Miniaci, Wolfram Grajetzki (eds)
The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC)
Vol. III
(Middle Kingdom Studies 12)

Gianluca Miniaci, Peter Lacovara (eds)
The Treasure of the Egyptian Queen Ahhotep and International Relations at the Turn of the Middle Bronze Age (1550 BCE)
(Middle Kingdom Studies 11)

Simon Connor
Être et paraître. Statues royales et privées de la fin du Moyen Empire et de la Deuxième Période Intermédiaire (1850-1550 av. J.-C.)
(Middle Kingdom Studies 10)
The volume was awarded the Max Serres prize by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris 2023.

Aaron M. de Souza
New Horizons: The Pan-Grave ceramic tradition in context
(Middle Kingdom Studies 9)

Lubica Hudáková, Peter Jánosi, Claus Jurman and Uta Siffert (eds)
Art-facts and Artefacts. Visualing the Material World in Middle Kingdom Egypt
(Middle Kingdom Studies 8)

Micòl Di Teodoro
Labour organisation in Middle Kingdom Egypt
(Middle Kingdom Studies 7)

Alexander Ilin-Tomich
From Workshop to Sanctuary.
The Production of Late Middle Kingdom Memorial Stelae
(Middle Kingdom Studies 6)

Danijela Stefanović
Dossiers of Ancient Egyptian Women.
The Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period
(Middle Kingdom Studies 5)

Lubica Hudáková, Peter Jánosi and Andrea Kahlbacher (eds)
Change and Innovation in Middle Kingdom Art.
Proceedings of the MeKeTRE Study Day held at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (3rd May 2013)
(Middle Kingdom Studies 4)

Stephen Quirke
Birth Tusks: the Armoury of Health in Context – Egypt 1800 BC
including publication of Petrie Museum examples photographed by Gianluca Miniaci, and drawn from photographs by Andrew Boyce
(Middle Kingdom Studies 3)

Gianluca Miniaci, Wolfram Grajetzki (eds)
The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC), Vol. II
(Middle Kingdom Studies 2)

Gianluca Miniaci, Wolfram Grajetzki (eds)
The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC), Vol. I
(Middle Kingdom Studies 1)