News and Events

4-6/02/2025 International Conference: “Embedded in Clay” 20 January 2025 We are pleased to announce the programme for the international conference “Embedded in Clay”, organised by Gianluca Miniaci, Massimo Vidale, Vanessa Forte, Georgia Long, Beatriz Noria-Serrano and Hannah Page, that will be held at the University… Leggi tutto
17-12-24 – International Workshop: “Religious Secularity at Byblos: a Laboratory Synthesising the Materiality of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Middle Bronze Age” 6 December 2024 We are pleased to announce the programme for the international workshop “Religious Secularity at Byblos: A Laboratory Synthesising the Materiality of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Middle Bronze Age”, organised by Professor Gianluca Miniaci and… Leggi tutto
Training on pXRF analysis for archaeology 14 October 2024 Dr. Hannah Page, post-doc for the project PIPE (, will be holding some theoretical and practical training sessions in pXRF analysis for archaeology  ( in November for interested students in the MA degree of Orientalistica and… Leggi tutto
29-10-24 – International Conference: “People, commodities, and cultures in exchange: Trade routes as spaces of contact in ancient Egypt” 14 October 2024 We are pleased to announce the programme of the international conference “People, commodities, and cultures in exchange: Trade routes as spaces of contact in ancient Egypt”, organised by Prof. Gianluca Miniaci and Dr. Francesco Missiroli.… Leggi tutto

Egyptology in Pisa

The University of Pisa is home to the oldest academic course in Egyptology in the world, created in 1826 for Ippolito Rosellini. Today among the Italian universities it is the one with the largest research group and the most educational offer in the Egyptology field.
In Pisa the study and teaching of history, languages ​​and scriptures, thought and all cultural, artistic and material manifestations of ancient Egypt are conducted through the methodological integration of philology, archeology and any other discipline useful for understanding that civilization and its society, from its origins to the Roman age.
The Pisan Egyptologists, who work within the Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge, are engaged in field research and in museums.

Egitto e Vicino Oriente

Egitto e Vicino Oriente is an annual journal of the University of Pisa, founded by Edda Bresciani in 1978. It publishes articles devoted to research in all areas of ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern cultures.