Studying Egyptology in Pisa
The University of Pisa offers the largest learning program in Egyptology in Italy. The university courses are organized as lectures, seminars and workshops. Their aim is the education, both basic and specialized, in the field of history, culture, language, writing and archaeology of ancient Egypt.
The educational path begins with courses in the Bachelor’s degree in “Scienze dei Beni Culturali” (Cultural Heritage) and continues with the specialized Master’s degree in “Orientalistica: Egitto, Vicino e Medio Oriente” (Oriental Studies: Egypt, Near and Middle East).
Educational workshops, training courses at museums and “Sovrintendenze” (regional boards of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Environmental Conservation) and archaeological excavations in Egypt allow a practical approach to the subject. Summer schools on specific topics are periodically organized and offer further training opportunities for more advanced theoretical and methodological skills.
In addition, it is possible to pursue one’s own research interests in Egyptology via PhD opportunities, which are assigned through competition.
Studying Egyptology in BA degree

Egittologia (Egyptology)
36 hours – 6 ECTS, 1st Semester
Teacher: Prof. Marilina Betrò

Archeologia Egiziana (Egyptian Archaeology)
36 hours – 6 ECTS, 2nd Semester
Teacher: Prof. Gianluca Miniaci

Cultura e materiali dell’antico Egitto (Culture and Materials of ancient Egypt)
36 hours – 6 ECTS, 2nd Semester
Teacher: Prof. Flora Silvano
Studying Egyptology in MA degree

Ancient Egypian Epigraphy
36 hours – 6 ECTS, 2nd Semester

Ancient Egyptian Language and Texts
36 hours – 6 ECTS, 2nd Semester
Teacher: Dr. Elena Tiribilli

Egittologia II (Advanced Egyptology)
36 hours – 6 ECTS

Egiziano antico: lingua, scrittura e testi (Ancient Egyptian: language, writing and texts)
72 hours – 12 ECTS, Yearly
Teachers: Prof. Gianluca Miniaci and Dr. Elena Tiribilli

Egyptian Archaeology
36 hours – 6 ECTS, 2nd Semester
Teacher: Dr. Angelo Colonna

Egyptian Philology
36 hours – 6 ECTS, 2nd Semester
Teacher: Dr. Angelo Colonna

Demotic Language and Literature

36 hours – 6 ECTS

Hieratic II
36 hours – 6 ECTS, 2nd SemesterTeacher: Dr. Susanne Toepfer (curator in Museo Egizio in Turin)

Museological aspects of Egyptology
36 hours – 6 ECTS

Reading Egyptian texts
3 ECTS, Laboratory

Social History and Material Culture of Ancient Egypt
36 hours – 6 ECTS, 2nd Semester
Teacher: Prof. Gianluca Miniaci

Coptic language and literature
Teacher: –

Summer Schools