Egitto e Vicino Oriente 42 (2019)
Direttore responsabile: Edda Bresciani
- Edda Bresciani – Bes e l’antilope. Una non comune statuetta in faience
- Gianluca Miniaci – The material entanglement in the ‘Egyptian Cemetery’ in Kerma (Sudan, 1750-1500 BC): appropriation, incorporation, tinkering, and hybridisation
- Marilina Betrò, Paolo Marini – “Woman with a pearl necklace”. A fragmentary statue from Dra Abu el-Naga
- Christian Orsenigo – Uno steloforo dell’epoca di Amenhotep II (Firenze n. Inv. 1793)
- Stefan Bojowald – Die Arbeit der Biene nach altägyptischen Textzeugnissen
- Stefan Bojowald – Zur Bedeutung des Wortes im ägyptischen pBrooklyn 35.1453 A, H/V, 8/11
- Lisa Sartini, Federica Nardella, Erika Ribechini – GC/MS analyses of varnishes from black coffins with yellow decoration of the New Kingdom in the Egyptian Museum of Florence
- Ilaria Incordino – Documentation and analysis of vessels sunk into the floor at the Monastery of Abba Nefer, Manqabad (Asyut, Egypt)
- Flora Silvano – Alcuni vetri da Deir el Sombat, Egitto
- Jannis Niehoff-Panagiotidis – The Hymn of the Pearl and the Chaldaean Oracles, or about the Borders between Platonism and Gnosticism
- Silvia Lischi – Risultati preliminari delle ricerche archeologiche presso l’insediamento HAS1 di Inqitat, Dhofar (2016-2019)
- Pier Giorgio Borbone – “Nestorian” Mirror from Inner Mongolia 135