Ben Haring, “Hieroglyphs, Pseudo-Scripts and Alphabets”
Ben Haring, Hieroglyphs, Pseudo-Scripts and Alphabets. Their Use and Reception in Ancient Egypt and Neighbouring Regions (Ancient Egypt in Context 14) The Egyptian hieroglyphic scr
Allon, Navratilova, “Scribal Culture in Ancient Egypt”
Niv Allon, Hana Navratilova, Scribal Culture in Ancient Egypt (Ancient Egypt in Context 13) This Element seeks to characterize the scribal culture in ancient Egypt through its text
Ellen Morris, “Famine and Feast in Ancient Egypt”
Ellen Morris, Famine and Feast in Ancient Egypt (Ancient Egypt in Context 12) This Element is about the creation and curation of social memory in pharaonic and Greco-Roman Egypt. A
Alice Stevenson, “Egyptian Archaeology and the Twenty-First Century Museum”
Alice Stevenson, Egyptian Archaeology and the Twenty-First Century Museum, (Ancient Egypt in Context 10) This Element addresses the cultural production of ancient Egypt in the muse
G. M. Feinman, J. C. Moreno García, “Power and Regions in Ancient States. An Egyptian and Mesoamerican Perspective”
Gary M. Feinman, Juan Carlos Moreno García, Power and Regions in Ancient States. An Egyptian and Mesoamerican Perspective, (Ancient Egypt in Context 8) The aim of the Element is t
Wolfram Grajetzki, “The Archaeology of Egyptian Non-Royal Burial Customs in New Kingdom Egypt and Its Empire”
Wolfram Grajetzki, The Archaeology of Egyptian Non-Royal Burial Customs in New Kingdom Egypt and Its Empire, (Cambridge Elements – Ancient Egypt in Context 7) This Element provid
Simon Connor, “Être et paraître”
Simon Connor, “Être et paraître. Statues royales et privées de la fin du Moyen Empire et de la Deuxième Période Intermédiaire (1850-1550 av. J.-C.)”, London 2020
Wolfram Grajetzki, “The Sarcophagus of Hunefer and other New Kingdom Private Sarcophagi”
Wolfram Grajetzki, The Sarcophagus of Hunefer and other New Kingdom Private Sarcophagi, (Kitab – Egyptology in Focus 3), London 2021 The third volume of the series Kitab –
Simon Thuault, “Social Hierarchy in the Satire of the Trades”
Simon Thuault, Social Hierarchy in the Satire of the Trades: Scribal Considerations on Crafts in Ancient Egypt (Kitab – WCAEN 1), London 2024 The volume focuses on the Tea
Gianluca Miniaci, “The Middle Kingdom Ramesseum Papyri Tomb and its Archaeological Context”
Gianluca Miniaci, The Middle Kingdom Ramesseum Papyri Tomb and its Archaeological Context, London 2020 In 1895–96, William Matthew Flinders Petrie and James Edward Quibell discov
Rune Nyord, “Seeing Perfection” Copia
Rune Nyord, “Seeing Perfection: Ancient Egyptian Images beyond Representation” (Cambridge Elements – Ancient Egypt in Context 1)
Egitto e Vicino Oriente 44 (2021)
Editor-in-chief: Marilina Betrò Flora Silvano – Edda Bresciani (1930-2020) Marilina Betrò, Flora Silvano (a cura di) – Biografia di Edda Bresciani Marina Sokolova 
Egitto e Vicino Oriente 46 (2023)
Direttore responsabile: Marilina Betrò
Egitto e Vicino Oriente 42 (2019)
Editor-in-chief: Edda Bresciani Index Edda Bresciani – Bes e l’antilope. Una non comune statuetta in faience Gianluca Miniaci – The material entanglement in the ‘Eg
Egitto e Vicino Oriente 43 (2020)
Editor-in-chief: Marilina Betrò Marilina Betrò – La leonessa di Medinet Madi. Ricordando Edda Bresciani (1930-2020) Stefan Bojowald – Etymologische Kleinigkeiten VII:
Uroš Matić, “Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs”
Uroš Matić, “Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs. Past and Present Approaches in Egyptology” (Cambridge Elements – Ancient Egypt in Context 2)
Journal of Egyptian History – Special Issue: Egyptology and Global History
Moreno García J. C., Miniaci G., Morris E. (eds), Journal of Egyptian History – Special Issue: Egyptology and Global History, vol. 13 (2020)
John Coleman Darnell, “Egypt and the Desert”
John Coleman Darnell, “Egypt and the Desert” (Cambridge Elements – Ancient Egypt in Context 3)
Kathlyn M. Cooney, “Coffin Commerce”
Kathlyn M. Cooney, “Coffin Commerce: How a Funerary Materiality Formed Ancient Egypt” (Cambridge Elements – Ancient Egypt in Context 4)
Leslie Anne Warden, “Ceramic Perspectives on Ancient Egyptian Society”
Leslie Anne Warden, “Ceramic Perspectives on Ancient Egyptian Society” (Cambridge Elements – Ancient Egypt in Context 5)
Anna K. Hodgkinson, “Ear studs, ear plugs or beads? Reinterpreting a group of glass objects from New Kingdom Egypt in the British Museum”
Anna K. Hodgkinson, “Ear studs, ear plugs or beads? Reinterpreting a group of glass objects from New Kingdom Egypt in the British Museum”, London 2021 This short volume
Judith Bunbury, Reim Rowe, “The Nile: Mobility and Management”
Judith Bunbury, Reim Rowe, “The Nile: Mobility and Management” (Cambridge Elements – Ancient Egypt in Context 6)
Aaron M. de Souza, “New Horizons: The Pan-Grave ceramic tradition in context”
Aaron M. de Souza, “New Horizons: The Pan-Grave ceramic tradition in context”, London 2019 (Middle Kingdom Studies 9) This volume serves as a catalogue and handbook for
Betrò M., de Martino S., Miniaci G., Pinnock F. (eds), “Egitto e Vicino Oriente Antichi: Tra Passato e Futuro. Studi e ricerche sull’Egitto e Vicino Oriente in Italia: I Convegno Nazionale Pisa 5-6 giugno 2017”, Pisa 2018 Table of contents: Paolo Mancarella, Rettore dell’Universi
Miniaci G., Grajetzki W. (eds), “The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC)”, Vol. II, Londra 2016
Miniaci G., Grajetzki W. (eds), The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC). Contributions on archaeology, art, religion, and written sources. Vol. II, Golden House Publica
Egitto e Vicino Oriente 41 (2018)
Editor-in-chief: Edda Bresciani Index: Edda Bresciani, Antonio Giammarusti – Ipotesi sullo sviluppo urbano di Gia / Narmouthis / Medinet Madi Stefano Vittori – Alcune s
Miniaci G., Moreno Garcia J. C., Quirke S., Stauder A. (eds), “The Arts of Making in Ancient Egypt. Voices, images, and objects of material producers 2000–1550 BC”
This book provides an innovative analysis of the conditions of ancient Egyptian craftsmanship in the light of the archaeology of production, linguistic analysis, visual representat
Miniaci G., Betrò M., Quirke S. (eds), “Company of Images: Modelling the Imaginary World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1500 BC)”, Leuven 2017
Gianluca Miniaci, Marilina Betrò, Stephen Quirke (eds), “Company of Images: Modelling the Imaginary World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1500 BC)”, Leuven 2017 Susan J. All
Egitto e Vicino Oriente 40 (2017)
Editor-in-chief: Edda Bresciani Index Gianluca Miniaci – Zawyet Sultan au Louvre: écrire l’histoire d’une site archéologique du Moyen Egypte par la collection du Musée
Egitto e Vicino Oriente 39 (2016)
Editor-in-chief: Edda Bresciani Index Bresciani E., Una rilettura di un testo biografico. La caduta mortale del visir Uashptah della piramide di Neferirkara Vègh Z., Solar cult in
M. Betrò, G. Miniaci, “Talking along the Nile”, Pisa 2013
Table of contents: Rozenn Bailleul-LeSuer – John Wyatt, 19th century epigraphers as key to the identification of Baqet III’s birds in Beni Hassan Patricia Berg, Egypt i
Miniaci G., “Rishi coffins and the funerary culture of Second intermediate period Egypt”, Golden house publications, London 2011
Miniaci G., Rishi coffins and the funerary culture of Second intermediate period Egypt, Golden house publications, London 2011.
Hudáková L., Jánosi P., Jurman C., Siffert U. (eds), “Art-facts and Artefacts. Visualing the Material World in Middle Kingdom Egypt”
Lubica Hudáková, Peter Jánosi, Claus Jurman and Uta Siffert (eds), Art-facts and Artefacts. Visualing the Material World in Middle Kingdom Egypt, London 2018 (Middle Kingdom Stu
Micòl Di Teodoro, “Labour organisation in Middle Kingdom Egypt”
Micòl Di Teodoro, Labour organisation in Middle Kingdom Egypt, London 2018 (Middle Kingdom Studies 7)
Alexander Ilin-Tomich, “From Workshop to Sanctuary. The Production of Late Middle Kingdom Memorial Stelae”
Alexander Ilin-Tomich, From Workshop to Sanctuary. The Production of Late Middle Kingdom Memorial Stelae, London 2017 (Middle Kingdom Studies 6)
Lubica Hudáková, Peter Jánosi and Andrea Kahlbacher (eds), “Change and Innovation in Middle Kingdom Art”
Lubica Hudáková, Peter Jánosi and Andrea Kahlbacher (eds),Change and Innovation in Middle Kingdom Art, Proceedings of the MeKeTRE Study Day held at the Kunsthistorisches Museum
Stephen Quirke, “Birth tusks: the armoury of health in context – Egypt 1800 BC”
Stephen Quirke, Birth tusks: the armoury of health in context – Egypt 1800 BC. Including publication of Petrie Museum examples photographed by Gianluca Miniaci, and drawn from ph
Del Vesco P., “Letti votivi e culti domestici”, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2010
Del Vesco P., Letti votivi e culti domestici. Tracce archeologiche di credenze religiose nell’Egitto del terzo periodo intermedio, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2010. www.pisa