Pisa, where Egyptology was introduced in its very beginning by Ippolito Rossellini in 1826, continues to be one of the most prestigious centers of study and research for this discipline, also thanks to its network of international relations and collaborations. The Pisa Egyptologists work within the “Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere” and they carry out research on the history, society and culture of ancient Egypt, both through texts and archaeological activities in the field and in museums.
The current research projects concern the following topics:
• Thebes and Middle Egypt
• Religion (study of religious texts, rituals, funerary culture)
• Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period
• Greek-Roman Egypt
• Social History
• Material Culture
• History of Egyptology
• History of the museum collections and contextualization of their artifacts.

The archaeological missions in Egypt
Zawyet Sultan / Zawyet el-Maiyitin
Excavation directed by Gianluca Miniaci and Richard Bussmann in Zawyet Sultan (Middle Egypt) since 2013
Dra Abu el-Naga (Theban Necropolis-Luxor)
The expedition, directed by Marilina Betrò since has been working since 2003 is working on a group of tombs of the necropolis of Dra Abu el-Naga dated from the beginning of the New Kingdom to the Ramesside age.
Research projects

Rosellini Project
After almost two hundred years from the Franco-Tuscan expedition in Egypt of the 1828-29, project “Rosellini” aims to increase the value of the artistic and cultural heritage generated by that expedition: notes, annotations, drawings, watercolors and antiquities.

Archaeological finds from Zawyet Sultan at the Louvre Museum
A big part of the Raymond Weill collection, whom did several archaeological excavations in the area of Zawyet Sultan between the 1911 and 1933, was donated in 1922 to the Louvre Museum. The aim of the project is to take pictures and provide documentation of over 350 objects coming from Zawyet Sultan and held in the French museum.

PROCESS – Pharaonic Rescission: Objects as Crucibles of ancient Egyptian Societies
Research Projects of National Interest 2017 (PRIN): supervisor prof. G. Miniaci

TEMA – Tuscany’s Egyptology through Museums and Archive
Project co-funded by
Regione Toscana. Supervisor: Prof. M. Betrò

Godscapes Project
Research Projects of National Interest 2020 (PRIN). Unit coordinators: prof. M. Betrò, G. Miniaci

Ahhotep Project
Research project on the treasure of Queen Ahhotep: supervisor G. Miniaci.

PIPE Project
Profiling the Identity of the Producers in ancient Egypt and Nubia through the “aura” of clay figurines (PRIN 2022 PNNR): supervisor prof. G. Miniaci
Research project of the PhD students of Egyptology
The PhD represents the highest grade of instruction within the Italian academic system and provides the knowledge needed to carry out high-standard research in the university and in public or private institutions. At the University of Pisa, it is possible to obtain the title of PhD in Egyptology through the PhD Course of History.